When I was first presented with the opportunity to take this trip to Cambodia with Heart Touch, I knew that I had to do it, no matter what the cost. Taking three weeks away from work and losing the income wouldn't be easy, but really...I knew I could make it work. What's a little scrimping and saving to be able to help some children in need? Of course, there is also the actual cost of the trip, which would just add to the expenses. I really had no idea if anybody (besides my parents--ha!) would end up donating, but I was (and am) willing to cover the expenses myself to make this trip happen.
Well, my fundraising efforts started this week with my firstgiving page and...wow. I have been blown away by people's generosity. I am completely humbled by the donations that have been made for this trip...both from people I know and even people I don't know. I can honestly say that it has nearly brought me to tears.
A lot of people have asked me if I'm emotionally prepared for this trip. But I honestly don't know if I could be emotionally prepared. Or how to know whether or not I'm prepared. Is it going to be tough? YES. Is it going to tear my heart out to see these innocent babies and children ravaged by a deadly disease with nobody willing to touch them because they don't understand how to safely do so? YES. But will the smiles on their faces, the moments of comfort that I can help provide make that worth it to me? ABSOLUTELY.
I only wish that I could do more for them.