NHCC headquarters: this is the chart of all the HIV+ children the organization takes care of. 127 (and counting) at the orphanage and over 800 throughout Cambodia. They feel it is important for children to be raised by their families if they have them, so they pay the children's expenses and provide medicine so that can happen.

THANK YOU, Bill Clinton (holding Basil), for providing these children with the medication they need to survive.

Basil before medication, nutrition and love.

Basil now: getting a ride from his "sister."

This little boy was always attached to his sister's side. Beautiful.

Shawnee: Heart Touch founder and inspirational woman holding one of the kids.

The first day. Some kids sat on the sidelines and watched, but by the end of the trip, they were requesting massages more than the others!

Group massaging

Love is joy.

Terry and Shre-paul.

Monique and her favorite girl.

Waiting to be picked up and held. He didn't have to wait long!

Lunchtime at the orphanage.

So much joy and love

We call him Mr. Serious, but we did get to see him having fun before we left. He received a lot of love, attention and massages from all of us.

This cutie is blind in one eye, but they got him in time to save his right eye.

To give is to receive!

Patrick's loving hands

Papa John with some of the kids.

An infant massage lesson at Happy Home: where the quilters' children attend daycare and where extremely sick babies stay while they get well enough to be transitioned to the orphanage.

Happy Home

Baby Christopher gets a bath.

One of the quilts made by the quilters.

A quilter holds her quilt. We brought them quilting books so they can make more than dogs, donkeys and elephants.

A warm goodbye from the quilters.

At the hospital.

The TB ward.

Monique massaging someone at the second hospital we went to. This hospital did not have any mattresses on the beds.

The pediatric ward at the hospital.

Working at the hospital

Terry massages a man in the TB ward.

At the hospital, after a looooooong day.

Physically, mentally and emotionally drained.

Our last day with our driver, Leap.

The Heart Touch crew
I am eternally grateful to the people who donated to help make this trip possible. Not only was the experience amazing and life-changing for me personally, but it brought a lot of joy to many different people. It also helped us to see where we are needed and what we can do in the future to create sustainability with our project and to expand it. We are not done yet!
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