Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's Official

I just received confirmation from Heart Touch that I will be going on the December/January trip to India this year! I'm incredibly excited to be doing another international trip with this wonderful organization! I'm also thrilled that two of my fellow volunteers from the Cambodia trip will be going to India as well.

As soon as my firstgiving fund-raising page is set up, I will let everyone know. Honestly, I wasn't even going to bother with the fund-raising for this trip because it always feels a bit strange to ask for money. BUT, a few people have expressed that they would like to donate and previous contributors have told me that they really liked being able to feel like they were a part of the trip, even though they couldn't physically go with us. So, I will put it out there again. Any and all contributions are incredibly helpful and appreciated (even a few bucks helps!)!!! And I am completely committed to covering the cost for whatever funds I can't raise. The time and monetary sacrifices I make for this trip will surely be worth it, just like they were for Cambodia. :) And, as before, I plan on blogging the trip so that people can see what they helped to make happen.

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